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Fortnite Battle Royale: Week 10 Challenges are Here!
Another week, another set of challenges for Fortnite: Battle Royale. This week, a new kind of challenge presents itself for Battle Pass holders, ensuring that things remain fresh even at the end of Season 3.
New this go around is a set of rings to skydrive through at the start of the march. Get through 10 of these will earn you 5 Battle Stars. A nice way to change up the pace, especially during the opening part of the match, before things get interesting.
A “hard” challenge has been added this week as well, getting 10 eliminations. The best way we've found to do this, especially if you're struggling, is to use the Solo queue so you don't need to worry about revives or teammates taking kills. We also recommend spending a lot of time in Pleasant Park, since another challege is to get 3 eliminations there. Two birds, one stone. Completing these challenges will earn you 10 Battle Stars each.
Despite not being in the hard category, we think that the hardest challenge is definitely the “search” between challenge. Like always, you just need to get to a location between three objects and find an item. However, unless you know the map like the back of your hand (and I'm sure some of you do), you may have trouble with the name—Search between a Stone Circle, a Wooden Bridge, and a Red RV.
Want some help?
Look just southeast of Tomato Town, near the southwestern edge of Wailing Woods. There is a circle of stones with a log in the middle, and the Battle Star is right above it.
The rest of the challenges should be no trouble, since they require you to just spend time in the right places. Search chests in Fatal Fields, deal a total of 250 headshot damage, should be no problem.
Below are a list of the challenges and rewards:
· Search Chests in Fatal Fields (7) -- 5 Battle Stars
· Deal Headshot Damage to opponents (250) -- 5 Battle Stars
· Search a Chest in different Named Locations (12) -- 5 Battle Stars
· Skydive through floating Rings (10) -- 5 Battle Stars
· Hard: Search between a Stone Circle, Wooden Bridge, and a Red RV -- 10 Battle Stars
· Hard: Eliminate Opponents (10) -- 10 Battle Stars
· Hard: Eliminate Opponents in Pleasant Park (3) -- 10 Battle Stars
Good luck out there!