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After the onset of much speculation, EA has finally announced its much awaited title, Battlefield V. But they were careful to not reveal many details about the title. EA did release a teaser video which suggests that the series would take place in World War II. The Battlefield series has never really explored the tumultuous era of World War II, the last time they went there was with a multiplayer-only, downloadable pack called “Battlefield 1943” which they launched in 2009. It is time for EA to pay its tribute to that era.
We can expect to see a lot more details about Battlefield 5 at Electronic Art’s Play event, which is scheduled to take place in June 9, 2 P.M. ET, before EA 2018. The teaser video didn’t shed much light on what the platforms are going to be, but it can be assumed that they most likely would be PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC.
The game will be playable at EA Play 2018, but keeping all their details to a minimum, EA says that invited attendees will have a chance to experience ‘the next Battlefield experience.” We can learn the rest of the details once June comes around, and until then, everything is up for speculation the era in which it will take place. The press conference that will take place on June 9 will be streamed online for viewers to see.
Aside from Battlefield, EA says that most of their EA Sports games will also be playable at the event. Perhaps more exciting is Bioware’s new game, Anthem, but it is unclear if it will be playable. Anthem is set to release in early 2019.
The tickets to EA Play will be given for free, but attending the event obviously means you’ll have to make it to LA in order to obtain one. Interested gamers can obtain these tickets through a new system which is intended to give players a better hands-on access to their favorite games.
Aside from the small detail that the game would take place in World War 2, it has been hinted that there will be an emphasis on player customization. A big relief for players is that loot boxes would only be used for cosmetics, a smart decision that EA made, although they learnt their lesson the hard way with the Star Wars Battlefront 2 loot box controversy.
Some of the bigger questions for Battlefield V include the presence of a battle royale mode to match Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, what the single player and multiplayer modes will look like.
The official twitter account for Battlefield V shares a few tidbits, “It’s a brand new experience and still everything you love about Battlefield – where every fight is different and brought to life across unexpected theaters of war.”
Battlefield 5 will also bring back their acclaimed War Stories single-player structure. Battlefield 1 followed many protagonists at several different stages, in different theaters of war, each of them having their own dedicated missions and storylines.