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Our Fortnite Rules have been revised for calrificaiton and to cover the evolving needs of the FortniteL Battle Royale community. We at CMG are always looking to improve for our players and meet their needs.
Thank you,
-The CMG Team
-Fortnite Sabotage Revisions
You are allowed to work together, steal loot, and steal kills. You are not allowed to sabotage in CMG tournaments, wagers, or ladders.
Sabotage is any intentional unsportsmanlike play that results in a dramatic and immediate effect on the match. Proof of sabotage must be supplied with clear and valid proof of the dispute at hand. To avoid sabotage we strongly recommend steering clear of your opponents. Sabotage is decided at the end of your match so please always play your match to completion.
Sabotage can only occur when there is a chance for your team to win. For instance if there are 3 people left on the server besides you and your opponent and you are down by 4 kills you could not win. In that instance sabotage could not occur.
Sabotage must have an affect on the match and it was intentional examples of sabotage may include but are not limited to:
Causing opponents to fall taking damage or knocking them
Interrupting healing or revival
Blocking them to restrict or delay their travel and damage is incurred
Intentionally blocking their shots
Destroying or editing their cover
Attempting to attract attention to their whereabouts
Impulse Grenade usage on your opponents
Boogie bombing your opponents
Destroying a chest they are actively going for
Intentionally destroying an opponent’s built structures. This includes Traps, Jumppads, & Bouncepads etc.
Destroying tools like Jumppads & Bouncepads is allowed however if in destroying them you cause damage to your opponent it will be considered sabotage.
You may block on any builds after you’ve built 3 panels in any one direction. For example I may place a horizontal after 3 up builds to block my opponent or a vertical after 3 across to bridge travel on my own build and not be penalized for blocking their travel. This applies to bridges and not flat ground.
Again if any of these take place you must provide video proof of it affecting your match in the moment it occured. The administrator will review the footage and decide whether or not it had an effect and was intentional and considered to be sabotage. Sabotage is a forfeit of the match however in rare circumstances accidental sabotage may result in a replay or cancel at admins discretion.
-Fortnite Disconnection Revisions
Disconnections 30 seconds after landing in Fortnite in tournaments and live supported wager matches only can be replayed at admins discretion if valid proof is supplied of the disconnection promptly after it has occured.
No replay will be issued without proof of disconnect.
Valid proof of a disconnect in a ticket supported match may result in a cancel if the match was not replayed.
-Kills after 30 seconds Revision
All kills received after death must be shown definitively to have occurred within 30 seconds of the users death or they will not count towards your final score. The 30 second timer starts when you are fully dead not knocked.
-Drop Zone Revisions
If anyone in the match does not land in the zone specified on the match details users have until 30 seconds after landing to leave the match in order to get one restart to attempt to land in the correct zone. If no parties leave after this point the match will be considered underway and will count as a regular Battle Royale match.
Floating excessively qualifies you as not landing in the correct zone.
In a ticket supported match not landing in the correct zone and not playing the match out as defined will result in a cancel.
In a tournament and live supported match not landing in the correct zone and playing the match out as defined will result in a forfeit of the team not landing in the drop zone after 1 restart has been attempted.
-Hosting Rule Addition
If enough evidence is provided of a user hosting to a region in a malicious manner to force lag upon their opponents they may have the match cancelled. Continuance of this behavior may result in unfavorable outcomes for the offender at administrators discretion.
-Added Rule under Please Note
Any attempt to play a non supported game or game mode on CMG may result in an unfavorable decision in the event of a dispute.
For any further information, comments, or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact us by email at support@checkmategaming.com or visit us on twitter at @CMG_eSports