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The esports world stated their demands, and Call of Duty has answered. Call of Duty is rumored to be remastering the beloved classic Modern Warfare 2.
Gaming news site IGN reported listings on Amazon Italy for a COD: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered. The listing stated the game’s availability would be on both Xbox One and PS4. The listing however had no available options to pre-order or purchase the game.
Though, the listing could be a false listing as the release date listed was for April 30 which has long since past by while Activision remained silent on the situation.
Should the game actually receive a remastering, rumors suggest that it won’t feature a multiplayer option, focusing on the solo campaign and nix the No Russian mission. The mission stirred up controversy over players being sent out to kill hundreds of civilians in an airport as part of a false-flag operation. Its insensitive material instantly spurred on debate upon its original release. Developers did offer the option for gamers to skip the task and move on in the campaign, but the mission still upset many players.
Though there is no official word out yet about the remastering, making it hard to know when a release date could come. Yet rumors circulate about the games appearance at the end of next year, lining up with Infinity Ward’s next release into the franchise.
The game original released in November of 10, 2009 as a first-person shooter as the sixth COD game and was released to Windows, PS3 and Xbox 360. Modern Warfare 2 continues to reign as one of the most popular games in the franchise’s history. The remastering would update the game with the latest graphics.
Players shouldn’t expect any news on the remastering soon as Activision keeps its sight set on the Black Ops 4 release.