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It’s no secret that gaming is one of those industries where the customers and the actual gamers have a lot of say in how the companies move forward in terms of product development as well as new game development. One of the companies that are incredibly popular for doing so is Sony. There are multiple instances where they have started online forums where they have gotten their customers to share their ideas that would help them make their product even better. For example, the sleeker design or the wireless controller or the shift to BluRay was the result of online customers sharing their opinions and Sony promptly acting on them.
This was also one of the primary reasons why the PS4 was able to outperform the Xbox1 at its initial release. It had incorporated more features that had been shared by the users which resulted in a better bond between the two as well as a comparatively greater customer experience.
So, with that in mind, what can be expected from PS4 now and what new features can be expected from the inevitable launch of the PS5? Read on below to find out more:
Backward Compatibility
Backward Compatibility has been something that a lot of fans have been craving for and for good reason too. This is the one feature that the Xbox 1 was able to offer its users before Sony and it has proven to be a monumental hit among them. Users have the option to keep playing their favorite games from the olden consoles on their new machines and enjoy the ahs regularly come with some classic games on their PS2, PS3 and now PS4 graphic enhancement that it offers them. The PlayStation consoles that fans have enjoyed a lot. Xbox fans were delighted when they found out that they could continue to play their favorite game son their new consoles and this is definitely a feature that the new PS would desperately need.
Processing Power
Processing powers remains a popular demand within the Sony fan base because it would mean games would have a higher refresh ate. The CPU and the RAM are generally the components that decide how sleek or stylish particular game runs and looks on the PC. Similarly, it is the processing power of a console is what determines the overall gaming experience that fans would have on the console. A powerful processor would complement the graphics as would also ensure that the backward compatibility issues would be resolved smoothly.
Virtual Reality
This is undoubtedly the wave of the future. This feature is already become an important part of the PC gaming world and is only a matter of time before the new Xbox and PlayStation consoles also incorporate this feature. Players will demand a steady interface as well as a smooth crossover platform to make the experience more enjoyable and worth the extra money they’ll be paying. The VR setup could be the next big feature for PlayStation if they get it right.