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Fornite players were previously very excited because of the 2.4 update’s minigun and the sheer firepower it offered. This minigun had the ability to decimate structures very easily and was a worthy alternative to the grenade launcher.
However, in the world of Fortnite, things have changed.
Even though you will see people heed for weapons like the Blue tactical shotgun and the Scar, this minigun will be seen left on the floor. Why is this so? In the 4.3 content update of Fortnite, the dominance of some weapons was brought down significantly. These weapons included the infamous minigun and the Grenade and Rocket Launcher.
One change which was noticed quite swiftly was that the ammo count was cut down to a half and the ammo boxes were increased from 60% to a whopping 90%. The problem with this is that this included only light ammo and there is a very low availability of the ammo to feed into your minigun.
Even though the gun has its own league of insanity, what with its well-placed shots that can keep enemies at bay or completely decimate them, this horrible bullet storm needs ample ammo which is very rarely available.
So should the player roam around with an empty nuisance or have something else equipped just in case?
Previously, gamers may not have realized this, but this king of all weapons was able to cause damage at a very frightening pace. Only the submachine gun can compete with this rate of fire, but still will be left quite behind in accuracy and damages.
The buzz amidst Fortnite gamers is that this gun was making the game too one-sided and therefore needed to be kept at bay. Even the very destructive Rocket Launcher has had its reload time increased significantly.
The reason for this remains the same because an opponent who has this weapon could either kill you right away or be killed himself now. If the gamers really think about it, all these accuracies are making the game more realistic – which is completely in their favor.
As the battlefield is now more realistic, experts may be challenged by lower standards of gamers, without being blown to bits having wasted so much time in the skirmish.
New updates in the v5.0 patch include some changes like the hunting rifle assists or the pump action death in water changes. The minigun is still being kept at bay as players are seen gaining expertise in the accuracy of sniper rifles. Even though this is very difficult to evade when you have no idea where you are being shot down from, it is still not an absolute berserker.
Having players give their blessings to this update, they still miss being able to destroy everything in their range. If players start to create a buzz in favor of their old friend- the Minigun, there may actually be a possibility that the game developers will consider increasing the ammo percentage. From the gamers’ perspective, however, it is highly unlikely.