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Fortnite’s season 4 is coming to a close, in fact, Epic Games has even announced Season 5 will be going live July 12th 1 am Pacific 4 am Eastern. Still, the latest update shows that there is plenty to be excited about right now.
First things first, the latest weapon to be added to the Fortnite arsenal is the dual pistols. The first duel wielding weapon in the game, this weapon certainly packs a punch with a fast fire rate and a base damage of 41 for Epic and 43 for legendary per hit. A gun like this perfect for those mid to close range battles. Sure shotguns are still the most powerful weapon when it comes to close combat however this weapon allows you to lock down an enemy with a barrage of shots whereas a shotgun leaves you open if you miss or don’t finish the job in one shot. From the looks of it, this new weapon might actually prove to be worth picking up…granted you don’t find a rocket launcher or sniper first.
Despite having a bit of a messy rollout and currently still unavailable due to matchmaking issues, the new Limited Time Playground mode is an amazing and much-needed addition from Epic Games. The new LTM is essentially a practice mode that allows players to drop onto the island with their friends and practice building and fine-tuning their aim all without the threat of being sniped at random. This new mode is a great decision as it gives players the opportunity to close the vastly growing skill gap and take as much time as they need to help perfect some of the more difficult aspects of the game. Currently, Playground mode is a limited time feature but it is certainly something Fortnite should look into keeping full time.
Lastly but certainly not least, Epic games added in map markers which is something you didn’t even realize you needed. Now, whenever you mark a point on your minimap in addition to the marker on your compass there is now a giant beam that shines directly where placed your marker making it way easier to see where you want to go. So long to days of constantly checking the minimap, now it is as easy as looking up to see where you need to be. Overall this update is yet another reminder of how good Epic Games is at giving the people what they want and doing it well. So get out there and finish that Battle Pass because Season 5 is just a few short weeks away.