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The story of the Halo franchise is one of great triumph and great failure. On the one hand, it is a franchise that features what many gamers think is one of the best single player experiences for a first-person shooter. It also features a multiplayer experience that arguably helped pave the way for competitive gaming as we know it. On the other hand, there were many mistakes, a changing of the developer guard, and a stark lack of innovation. However, hope may be on the horizon. At this point we know Halo 6 is in development but outside of that, we are essentially in the dark. Here’s what we can determine so far.
First things first, although it would be a major selling factor, and possibly propel Microsoft as the show stealer of E3 2018; it is highly unlikely that Microsoft is ready to show off Halo 6 at their upcoming press conference. We can all hope and dream for a late 2018 release date but based on Halo releases in the past we can expect the upcoming game to take a full year, meaning we are likely expecting a 2019 release date. There has been a huge demand for Halo to be on the PC so much so, that fans have created a PC remaster of Halo 3 multiplayer called El Dewrito. The boss behind Xbox Phil Spencer has said in 2016 that he wanted to bring Xbox’s first party games to the PC and so far he has made his promise. Forza 3, Gears of War 4, and Sea of Thieves have all been ported to the PC so it makes sense that Halo would join that list.
For those of you who played Halo 5 and felt that there was a significant lack of the Master Chief rejoice because it appears as though 343 Industries has learned its lesson and will be focusing solely on the Chief for their upcoming game. In an interview last year with Franchise Development Director of 343 Industries Frank O’Connor he said, “We very much realized that people wanted Master Chief’s story of Halo 5. We definitely marketed it in a way that we hoped was going to bring surprise, but for some fans and certainly fans of Master Chief, it was a huge disappointment because they wanted more Chief.” Halo developers heard your concerns and will likely try to remedy it in the upcoming story. As for plot points, game modes, and multiplayer, it seems like we’re just going to have to wait and see what 343 has up their sleeves.