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In the new and gorgeous Octopath Traveler, it’s quite easy to end up with an annoying character that could make your experience insufferable. You’ll be stuck with this protagonist for many hours of gameplay, so why not make a more knowledgeable choice?
Here is a list of the characters in descending order of the ability to annoy you:
The beginning offered by this character is pretty tough as she is ‘the dancer’, but her story is actually quite captivating. Once you gain a companion (which can be done within an hour), the game play becomes really smooth. Without revealing much, we can promise that she is a good character to be stuck with for the rest of the game.
This character has the potential to get super boring as his storyline illustrates his need to reclaim a purpose. The advantage of his storyline is that he is quite a strong fighter. While having to hear him talk endlessly about his glory days, at least you know he will be of good use in a battle.
This character has an attitude which allows her to buy anything from anyone. She is a merchant who would actually announce who she intends to kill with the poison she buys from vendors. This transparency is actually fun to watch while playing the game with this character.
This perfectly standard doctor is seen actually asking people to slow down on their drug habits in the game. Other than his usual funny conversations, his story line has the risk to get quite boring. You can opt for this character if you want some humor alongside the usual gameplay.
The only reason this particular protagonist isn’t higher up on the annoying scale, is because she has the ability to capture beasts. Other than this, her English is very butchered and all her verbs end with and ‘en’. If you are not a grammar police member, then you can enjoy sending huge ants to fight enemies.
The woman is a cleric and rambles on about her knowledge like an annoying little teacher’s pet. There is nothing really that you can look forward to save this character from being this high up on the list. So if you want to boost your knowledge about how clerics spread their light, you can go ahead and opt for this character.
He is a teacher who starts acting like Sherlock Holmes quite early in the game. He would claim to be quite the genius very often – now we know this is you he is talking about – but seriously? His scholarly attitude steadily goes down the drain as the game moves forward.
Every limerick from this character is something out of a Criss Angel episode (no offense if you are a fan). Therion is a thief who starts brooding about his achievement when you complete a challenge – which is understandable but not to the extent he takes it.
Trust us – the poison dagger he comes with might as well have been for suicide.
On that note, we conclude our scale of least to most annoying characters in Octopath Traveler. Make your choice and enjoy their subsequent story line!