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Most games now are online. Whether on a phone, a console or the computer, video games are requiring to be attached to the internet at all times. For example, the recently released Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery warns users on the loading screen that the game will continually pull data while in use, causing wifi to be recommended while playing.
While some video gamers have always enjoyed the thrill of being connected, some have found the world of online gaming to become a nuisance to many who just want to enjoy a game while waiting for the train or bus without racking up their data bill. However, the world of online gaming is just starting to emerge and will continue to change the way things have been done over the years. The introduction of STEAM and its console have done plenty to reveal that, but many want to know why this is the way video games are going.
A large part of the use of online gaming is that developers can continually develop and improve their game even after the masses have downloaded it. Instead of making players buy the game again or download the game every time to receive the update, online gaming allows the phone or console to update upon every use or automatically. While it can be a pain to deal with when you’re traveling and hit that 3 hour roaming area with no wifi or data for miles, games requiring wifi allow players to play cleaner versions of the game and always have the latest updates available anywhere in the world — aside from the 3 hour roaming area you’re traveling through.
Along with instant updates though, online gaming has allowed friends and strangers interact on a new level. While World of Warcraft and Runescape have dominated the online gaming community since the 90’s, they were the frontrunners to what the gaming world is experiencing now. Instead of needing to love a good RPG to play online, audiences can pick from a wider array of online gaming from Fortnite to Disney Magic Kingdom.
The advancements in online gaming may be frustrating, but they have opened the door to better gaming and more options to gaming. While a console may be out of someone’s price point, the use of STEAM and the internet has made gaming a household activity not just limited to males anymore, and online gaming just shines a brighter light on the video game industry’s future — not to mention a new world of competitive gaming.