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Nothing gets you pumped for an update like a teaser, and PeopleUnknown Battleground’s latest is getting Xbox players excited for what’s coming. PUBG’s a new map, Miramar, is about ready to launch on Xbox One. The map dropped onto the test servers initially a few weeks ago but is expanding its audience in a few days.
Miramar is only the second map to release to the platform and will feature a new desert terrain and will be open to everyone on May 24. The map underwent its final round of testing this past weekend, seeking to make last minute optimizations, tweaks and fix bugs before the official release. The map is available for the Solo, Duo and Squads queues.
Miramar has seen an increased of vehicle and weapon spawns as well as tweaks to the Battleground setting options. Players will be able to several new cities and designs including some ruins, more detailed buildings and potentially an oil rig in the ocean.
Already, developers have worked on shadows to help minimize crashes in certain situations as well as modifying buildings to load the interior and exterior simultaneously. Players will also be able to turn off Aim Acceleration and the slider adapted from 0-10 to 1-10.
The public testing servers will be available until the 24th, but players should note that the testing servers may go down at various times for maintenance.