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It seems like only yesterday Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds thrust the Battle Royale genre to the forefront, finally toppling League of Legends on Twitch as the number one streamed video game on the site. Since then, Fortnite has burst onto the scene and with the help of Drake and countless memes. It has virtually solidified itself as the most popular game in the genre. PUBG however, is not going down without a fight.
The development team has been doing everything in its power to keep up and even reclaim the top spot, introducing everything from new skins, an emote system, faster gameplay, and of course, new maps. On the console front, the Xbox One will be receiving a new update that finally gives Xbox players access to the desert map, Miramar, as well as some much needed “crucial bug fixes.” Players will also be able to deck themselves out in new gear courtesy of a new free create, known as the Western Military Crate. To further detail this new update let’s look at some of the highs and lows of update #12.
First up the Miramar map. Yes, I know PC players have long since had access to the map and already have access to a smaller experimental third map, but finally having some variety for Xbox players is a welcome change and hopefully, Xbox players will get a chance to play the third map in the near future.
They also fixed vehicle glitches! Anybody who has played PUBG on console knows that some of the most striking problems compared to the PC version are glitches and poor optimization. While yes, it's pretty funny to watch a vehicle suddenly start floating or glitching through the ground, it can be slightly inconvenient to get on a motorcycle that has a mind of its own when you're just trying to get to the safe zone.
As for new gear, this update also includes the new Western Military Crate. At long last players now have access to a new free crate, and while there's nothing quite as goofy as say an astronaut or an even an unlicensed John Wick costume, (the rarest items being a cowboy hat and a leather jacket) a free loot crate gives players something to work for. And plus, who doesn't appreciate free gear?
In the end, this update is certainly a step in the right the direction but the major downside is that it still puts Xbox players well behind the PC users. PC players are well on their way to some exciting new changes such as faster gameplay by way of a faster blue zone, a new emote system, and even special events like the 10 v 10 war mode. For PC players these new updates could be the key to enticing players to come back to the game, but as for Xbox it still seems like they have a ways to go.