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The VIVE Pro Is Here But is it Worth It?
May 24 2018 by CMGDanny
The VIVE Pro Is Here But is it Worth It?
The VIVE VR headset boasts one of the most immersive virtual reality experiences on the market. Anyone who has actually used the headset will likely agree that it is incredibly immersive almost to a fault with some people actually feeling disoriented once they take it off. Now the VIVE is looking to up the ante with a new fully upgraded version. While many would have expected a cheaper more accessible version to have been the next step for the company, manufacturer HTC has decided to double down in its efforts.
The new VIVE has increased everything, higher resolution, more processing power, a larger range of movement, and of course a significantly higher price. The reviews are in and the new VIVE pro seems to be significantly better than its predecessor in every way. Simply put the VIVE looks better, it feels better, it’s even slightly easier to adjust and maintain. The only problem is the price point. For people who already have a VIVE and are simply looking to upgrade you are going to pay an already staggering $800 for just the standalone headset, as for the first time buyers it’s going to cost you $1400 for the entire setup including the headset and the new and improved base stations. In addition, you also have to have a PC capable of running a VR experience of this magnitude which will likely cost you another $1200.
Ultimately it seems like the new VIVE Pro is not designed with your average consumer in mind. If you’re new to the VR world and you’re looking to dip your toes in the water it would make more sense to just stick to the standard VIVE with the significantly less scary $500 price point. Despite being a solid upgrade it doesn’t seem to be worth paying almost triple the price of the standard VR rig. Overall this new upgrade seems more suited to either people who already own a VIVE or big business that can afford to shell out the big bucks and use the headset to help promote their brand or product. However, for us normal consumers you should probably take a pass on this one and go for a cheaper option.