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With E3, the biggest event in gaming, just a few short weeks away, rumors and speculation have been rampant on what new games will possibly be announced. However, thanks to a Walmart in Canada posting some new pre-order titles, we might have a good idea of what will be presented at this upcoming expo. Due to a good catch from twitter user Wario 64, there is now speculation that the following games will be announced based on Walmart Canada’s posting: Just Cause 4, Splinter Cell, Dragon Quest 2, (PS4/XBO) LEGO DC Villans, Borderlands 3, Rage 2, Gears of War 5, Forza Horizons 5, and Assassin's Creed. Now, most of these games have been already been confirmed as being at least in development, so they shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. However, some of these games have had no mention whatsoever so let’s take a moment to separate the real from the probable mistake.
Let’s start with the likely candidates. “Gears of War 5” is perhaps THE game I am most confident about on this list. Gears of War is Microsoft’s biggest exclusive title and with their last game being both a critical and commercial success they are certainly going to be trying to build hype with a new title next month. Rage 2 is another confirmed entry as developer Bethesda has both released a trailer and confirmed that they will be showing gameplay at their upcoming E3 Press Conference. Splinter Cell is a particularly interesting entry on this list because although there haven’t been any announcements of a Splinter Cell game on the horizon, the main protagonist Sam Fisher does make an appearance in the recent Ubisoft release Ghost Recon Wildlands. It would be a pretty clever cameo if they do in fact have a new Splinter Cell cameo coming down the pipeline.
Now for some of the more confusing titles on the list, starting off with uh...Dragon Quest 2? This one doesn’t really make sense seeing as Dragon Quest 2 already came out in 1987 so unless they meant to say Dragon Quest Builders 2 you can count this one out. There’s also Destiny Comet? To be fair, Bungie did announce a series of post-launch DLC that they were calling “Comets” however that appeared to be more of a codename since the DLC’s have had very different names none of which included the word comets. Not to mention a DLC just dropped last week so it’s doubtful they are prepared to release more content so soon.
Ultimately there’s a lot here that are some sure things such as Gears of War, Borderlands 3, Rage 2, and more. However, like most leaks, there’s some info we have to take with a grain of salt. Still, E3 is just around the corner so we won’t have to speculate for too much longer.