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On June 16th, the 2018 Call of Duty World League Anaheim Open will be hosting the Call of Duty CWL All-Star Game. 4 CWL Pro League Stage 2 players from both Division A and B will be selected to play. The game mode will be Pro-Mod Search and Destroy and the purpose is to spread awareness to the CWL’s charity.
2016’s All Star Tournament hosted 4 teams of pro players and personalities that made up a single elimination Search and Destroy bracket. The matches were played as for fun and was mainly used to attract attention to the 2017 All Star Game. The match was played at the CWL Anaheim Open. Pro players Bance and Octane played a three game Search and Destroy match at the first All Star Game. The matches were for fun and the players took note of that, team killing each other,having boxing matches, and going for many outlandish plays.
In 2018, the Call of Duty Endowment has become the forefront of the CWL All-Star Game. The Call of Duty Endowment is a charity that focuses on finding better jobs for unemployed veterans after their service is over. The main goal is to at least help 50,000 veterans find jobs by 2019. It has already accomplished putting over 80% of their goal in organizations that help the veterans step back into civilian life.
This year’s All Star game will be similar to last year’s game. All banned items for competitive play will be fair game in the match so you can expect hilarity to ensue. The players for Division A have been selected. Red Reserve’s “Skrapz”, Evil Genius’ “ACHES”, Team Kaliber’s “Kenny”, and Team EnVyUs’ “Chino”. Division B’s representatives will be voted on from June 8th to June 11th on the CWL’s Twitter @CODWorldLeague. Don’t miss the CWL Anaheim Open and the All Star Game and tune in on June 15th 2:00 PM PDT!