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Even the littlest of details are a big deal when it comes to Cyberpunk 2077 which has been held tightly under wraps by game developer Cyberpunk 2077. All the same even the minute details revealed from screenshots and at Gamescom 2018 are enough to excite Cyberpunk fans everywhere.
The biggest details revealed are about Cyberpunk’s main character, V. You get a couple good looks at him in the E3 trailer from earlier this year, and at least two of the screenshots provide close up stills of the character. The demo at Gamescom revealed a scene where he’s trying to strike up a deal with a local gang in exchange for some powerful tech, but not a lot else is revealed in the shots. What is currently known about the character at this point is he was hired by Dexter DeShawn — the only thing known about him is he’s a big name in Night City where the game takes place — to check in on the deal, making sure it actually goes how DeShawn plans. Of course, nothing ever goes as plan, and an unknown Corporate rep attempts to flip V and get him to make the trade for them instead.
CDPR seems to want to really play up the RPG of Cyberpunk and offer an extensive freedom the game has to offer, starting with customization. The game will allow players to customize V’s look and background before starting the game. While the cosmetic customization will have no effect on how the character players, the backstory you choose might. You’ll be able to choose V’s overall backstory that will play into how his — or her depending the gender you choose — story goes in the game. However, there are no classes in this world and have control over when and how the perks play out. Customization will be a constant ebb and flow as the latest Cyberware will tweak V, unlocking new abilities and increasing various skills.
The twist that really got fans going however was the realization that the game would be in first-person. A scene of three witches looking down at the camera while another shows a character’s arm in view holding a gun at an enemy’s throat. While this came as a shock to many people, it was quickly accepted as a great choice for the gaming style as it will allot players better control in game. Cutscenes will continue to remain in third person however and a detached camera option is provided while driving.
Along with the game details, CDPR finally released new concept art for the game. While not everyone may care for it, it has provided some secret materials for the most devote fans. The first piece featured a link that sent fans to a page with unknown text. It seems the text takes players on quite the journey as it translates to “More than meets the eye.” Naturally, gamers can be a bit techy and quickly deciphered the image future using text editor which held a new message, “Can’t talk. They’re watching. Need my TT insurance renewed ASAP. Use the provided ID. Counting on you.”
And fans are pulled into the world early as they scrabble to follow the riddled trail of messages. Ultimately, the trail ran cold, but it’s doubtful that it’ll remain so very long. CDPR’s marketing team seems anything but done with the fans, and it is a matter of time until a new clue is revealed — perhaps it’ll lead to the still unknown release date for the highly anticipated game.