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DMC and RE 2 Remake Announcement

During Capcom’s financial results presentation for the year 2018, the company announced that it would release two ‘big’ titles for the next year in 2019. Without giving further details, Capcom simply stated how they intend to promote their ‘global expansion’ with those two major titles. Set to be released by March 2019, it can be assumed that those titles are a new Devil May Cry title which could be coming to the consoles and Resident Evil 2’s remake.

The company previously announced that they were working on the remake, something which we haven’t heard for a long while. All rumors will be laid to rest at this year’s E3.

Capcom also claimed that this year was their most financially successful, experiencing record highs which saw their operating income increase by a surge of over 17.5 percent, with net sales increasing by 8.4 percent

The success can be attributed in large part to the success of Monster Hunter World, which sold over 8 million units worldwide. Capcom has been making strides in their sales, and adding two new titles to their company would only serve to cement their status as a stronger company in the future. 

Why we believe a new Devil May Cry title will come out in 2019

Devil May Cry single handedly popularized the character action genre with their charming protagonist, witty dialog lines and inventive gameplay structure which brought the best of hack and slash and puzzle elements.

So what could be fuelling rumors that a new Devil May Cry title is in the works? We haven’t seen any new title from Capcom in DMC aside from a few remasters of Devil May Cry (DmC) and Devil May Cry 4, and another remastered collection of the first three games in the series.

The series always performs well for Capcom, so it is safe to believe that a new Devil May Cry game is in the works within a year. The developer however has yet to officially confirm that the game is in development, so we would ask the readers to not keep their expectations too high.

Why Resident Evil 2 is not trapped in ‘development hell’

With Resident Evil 2’s remake, we seem to have more direct evidence from a Capcom character artist last year who suggested that the title’s remake is still being developed, shrugging aside rumors that the game is trapped in ‘development hell’.

The character artist left a comment on a YouTube channel stating that the game is still I the works and that Capcop intends to release more information on the project in the coming months. The person behind the comment was RikkTheGajin on a YouTube video which suggested that the game was in development hell.

He said, “It’s not in development hell. Everything is on track”.

This served to quiet down the raging fans who were debating whether the game was cancelled. Safe to say, we can expect more details in the upcoming E3 video.