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With Blizzard confirming that Diablo 3 will be coming to the Nintendo Switch, fans are eager to know what else will be joining it. For some context, Diablo 3 will be the first Blizzard game released on a Nintendo console in 15 years. Naturally, this has opened up the floodgates of speculation and people are ready for more Blizzard games to be brought over to Nintendo. So far the number one contender for the next game to make an appearance on the Switch seems to be Overwatch. Blizzard believes that the Switch has all the performance capabilities needed for Overwatch to run smoothly and is thus interested in porting it over.
Popular gaming website Gamespot was able to sit down and talk with Blizzard’s Senior Producer Pete Stilwell, and this is what he said about the possibility of a Switch Overwatch port, “Anything is within the realm of possibility," he said. "Our team was given the task to work on this. If [Overwatch developer] Team 4 picks up that endeavour that's on them. As of right now, Diablo is our only focus on Switch." and when asked if he thinks Overwatch could run on Switch, Stilwell said, "Yes, it is feasible."
Looking at what Stilwell says here the reality of Overwatch coming to switch doesn't seem all that likely. While Blizzard does feel that it's possible it seems like it certainly is not a priority for them and to be honest it makes sense. Right now Splatoon 2 and Fortnite is about as hardcore as it gets when it comes to competitive shooters on the Switch, so building an atmosphere for a vastly competitive game like Overwatch might prove to be pretty difficult. Communication is a massive part of Overwatch and so far the Switch somehow still hasn't really figured out voice chat. It’s small problems like this that would make Overwatch on the Switch a good idea in theory but a bad idea in practice. Sure everyone loves the idea of being able to play Overwatch on the go but overall it would be extremely difficult for Blizzard to make the game worth paying full price on the switch when you will likely have a better experience playing the game on any other platform. We may just have to table our excitement for this port for now.