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God of war has had an amazing run since its launch, proving that the company which is primarily known for its hardware sales can actually leverage off its digital sales as well. In all honesty, God of War owes all the critical praise to its committed investment to the storyline and gameplay, proving that story driven games with thought provoking characters still resonate extremely well with gamers.
Many developers of triple A titles have been observed to be shifting away from this trend and are embracing a more rugged approach to video games. The focus is now more toward gameplay, attaching a tired and repetitive multiplayer component and costly miscellaneous add-ons that apparently increase the end-user experience. Case in point: Fortnite, PUBG and Call of Duty and the notoriously expensive in-game purchase of mobile games.
Sony’s God of War has been Setting New Records for the Company
Sony announced earlier that God of War sold more than 3 million copies in just three days, this number later increased to over 5 million in just one month after its sales were announced. Of these 5 million sales, 2.1 million were digital copies according to data analysts from NPD. These sales translate to roughly over $131 million in digital revenue alone for Sony. This puts God of War ahead of Witcher 3, which earned $69 million at its launch.
God of War is the fastest selling PlayStation Exclusive ever, the previous record was held by The Last of Us. It also contributed to the PS4 becoming the top selling video game console for the month of June when compared to current machines. Take note of the word ‘current’ here because the NES Classic has actually managed to sell more than the PS4 and Xbox One.
The PS4 is currently the best selling console of 2018 by a large margin, though this doesn’t mean that the Xbox One isn’t doing well; the console sales in June were more than twice those of the same period last year.
This massively bloated number far exceeds Uncharted 4’s reported $56 million in terms of sales, another PS4 exclusive that is primarily story driven.
God of War now also has a Photo Mode, allowing you to explore the game with Kratos selfies.
Sony’s Advice
Because of these strong numbers, Sony now expects sales from their game and network services segment to rise to 15% in the fiscal year. Experts attribute this success to PS4 sales that were higher than expected, the vastly fluctuating foreign exchange rates and the more unit sales of PS4 related hardware.
Another reason, though not strictly related to God of War or PS4 in any way, is Spotify. Sony, which has one of the biggest stakes in the company, announced they would be selling half of their shares for a total of $750 million.
The cumulative effect of these sales resulted in a 5% increase in Q1 sales for Sony when compared to the same quarter from the previous fiscal year.