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Bandai Namco has brought forward a game which clearly takes its inspiration from Manga, called Jump Force. Since its reveal at E3 2018, it has created a quite stir.Here are some of the details of the game that we know now.
Jump Force is from the fighting genre of games which has a mix of anime and manga characters to choose from. In a nutshell, you have to form a trio of characters and thrash the living hell out of each other. What makes it different from other PvP games you say? Well firstly, the gravity-defying combos and beams of energy are so nostalgic to look at!
We obviously still haven’t captured your attention but there’s definitely more to this game. With the 50th birthday of the manga publisher legend – Shonen Jump, this game celebrates all the characters that have ever been in his offerings in the fictional universe. Death Note, One Piece, Dragon Ball and Hunter X Hunter are just some of these names – and simply on their own seem quite overwhelming!
This games publisher, Bandai Namco was the creator behind previous successes of fighting games like Soul Calibur and Tekken. The 3-D arenas that were featured in these games are imprinted in our memory even though they were limited by the technologies of 2012. Imagine the increment of possibilities in a game which is yet to be released.
What we expect from this game according to the E3 trailer is a plethora of better graphics and chaotic battles. The predecessors of this game had successfully made us fall in love with characters and their storylines but failed to make these characters real. With the latest technologies in gaming, your favorite characters can take a more realistic shape – making your experience a very nostalgic one.
The release date of this game is still unknown but has been hinted to be somewhere in 2019. The previous E3 feature of Dragon Ball Fighter Z last year had ensured it was released in January. Considering this, it’s not foolish to expect an early arrival; or is it? We’ll just have to wait for more news. What we know for sure is that the game is still in its development stage; Namco will be working hard to make it worth our wait. Maybe even by inducing some other characters, they may have missed out on earlier.
It was also made clear in E3 trailer that this game intends to be like its predecessors but more accessibl. The previous games had limits to the character’s abilities, but now we can expect degrees of complexity – which is a good thing!
The game has also employed Unreal Engine 4 for its gameplay, in order to make gameplay smooth and immersive in PS4 Pro and Xbox One X. Lastly, we can also expect this game to be released on Nintendo Switch, and Namco had done the same for Dragon Ball Fighter Z last year. If we have successfully captured your attention, you must have images of nostalgic fighting games running through your mind.