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Checkmate Gaming is the leading competitor in eSports. As eSports is growing to an all-time high, the money being made is getting poured into marketing, influencers, branding opportunities and events. With eSports being one of the largest growing industries of 2018, Checkmate Gaming has a lot to look forward to! The annual revenue of eSports being $257 million not only makes it a viable source of income for many to make eSports a profession, but it is also finally being recognized as an actual sport.
However, the fun does not stop there! With the use of Twitch, Mixer, and YouTube, we have seen a sprawl of players joining the profession as streamers. The community of eSports has grown to be large, diverse, and incredibly vast! One of the best experiences and annual events to attend is E3. E3 is a hub for gamers and gaming technology, where you will see all the professions greats, live, and in-person!
Additionally, if conventions aren’t your cup of tea, eSports has evolved and made its name in the competitive sporting world! Launched years ago, we saw the recent increase in eSports competitions due to the gaming giants Riot and their largest competitive game League of Legends. From Riot, we have seen an explosion of professional events, and tournaments, which eventually led to the building of an eSports stadium in Las Vegas, NV. Now, Fortnite is taking the stage and Epic games is pushing for over 100 million in tournament prizes! Not to forget, the branding opportunities eSports contains, have become world renowned. For example, sponsorships and branding opportunities are being offered to those Twitch streamers with large following, such as Ninja. Given the publicity one may receive, we are able to see growth for all influencers using esports. Drake, amongst other celebrities have joined in on the fun and are exploring the power of eSports and its public influence.
This market is only growing and now is the time to get involved. Checkmate Gaming, using its resources, has already become a competitive giant in the eSports community. Offering, the most competitive tournaments, live support for wager matches, and lightning speed payouts; Checkmate Gaming is your #1 source for competitive gaming. So what are you waiting for? Grab a friend or two and head on over to Checkmate Gaming, where you can make some money and enjoy our social platform for video gaming.