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Instead of launching the much-anticipated Nightclub update, Rockstar Studios launched an extended version of the mission called Smuggler Sell. This was extended as an opportunity for gamers to earn all the bonuses and avail discounts on offerings in the game.
This development was a little underwhelming for the gamers who were a part of all the buzz about the Nightclub update, but Rockstar seems determined to make up for this inconvenience. The extended update of the previous mission offers Specialty Cargo Crates which can double your cash or increase it by 25%. All the people with massive savings in this game probably think Rockstar has gone bonkers.
Rockstar seems determined to keep their gamers’ interest levels going as the cash offer is not the only thing that is being offered. The previously very difficult to achieve Bike Clubhouses and Executive offices in the game will now have 30% discounts on them. Other than this, your own personal Airplane Hanger and Bunker can be availed at a whopping 40% off!
Now that we have discussed the one-off offerings of this updates, let’s move onto the minor ones. In this upgrade, all your vehicle’s upgrades are on sale as well. These upgrades include brakes, suspension, turbo, transmission, spoilers and many more at a price after a 30% discount.
While you can browse through upgrades for your existing vehicle, why not opt for a new one? GTA: Online is offering a new bike called Nagasaki Shotaro which is inspired by the futuristic bike in the movie Tron: Legacy. In order to unlock this bike, however, you will have to play and win the Deadline stage of the game. After this offer expires, this bike would be sold at a higher price which will probably be quite unaffordable.
Now let’s move on to the offerings for the fanatics playing GTA – which may probably be all of them. The list of discounts offered by Rockstar also includes an opportunity to buy an aircraft or an attack vehicle.
Now that you have doubled your cash from the Specialty Cargo Crate, you can afford that private jet you had your eye on for quite some time now. And what’s this luxury in GTA without some royal guns? Upgrades and specialty offerings of guns are also part of Rockstar’s giveaways.
While the game developer goes around leaving gifts for gamers like Santa, they also released a statement that gamers should stay tuned as the Nightclub update will be launched within the month of July.
With just a few days till the end of the month, Rockstar has quite strategically kept its followers busy earning enough cash to avail these discounts. Also, these limited edition toys for gamers will probably keep gamers busy another week or so for testing purposes.
The effective signs of a game developer who knows how to make their fan base happy are already being experienced by gamers. They are striving to achieve those discounts. They are also probably praying that Rockstar makes another blunder so they can up their game even further!