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No Man’s Sky players have much to look forward to after a successful launch of its first weekly in-game community event. In hopes to kick off a weekly event, developer Hello Games tested its weekly community event in August and has since announced that the first season of weekly content and community events have been scheduled out.
“No Man’s Sky NEXT launched just a few weeks ago,” wrote Hello Games in their blog post on Aug. 30. “We have been absolutely overwhelmed by the positive response. We are excited to be on this journey with you.”
The first set of weekly in-game community events have been released to all that players that have completed the first Space Anomaly mission. The first events are said to “need all the volunteers they can gather” and focus on the galaxy “where strange objects have begun spawning underground.” Space-venturers must help locate and excavate the mysterious artifacts to make a safe return to a Space Anomaly. Once returning them to the Space Anomaly, players will be able to trade the artifacts in for Quicksilver, the in-game currency which can be traded in for weekly rewards. The more you dig the more you’ll earn in rewards.
“Polo has constructed a new robotic companion to process this valuable substance into exclusive exotic collectables,” explained Hello Games in its blog post. The initial range of items offered by Polo’s Quicksilver Synthesis Companion Bot are 6 new base building parts, 3 decals, a new emote, and a new character customisation."
With the first of the weekly content on its way, the first wave of rewards has also been revealed. The treats released thus far include the Mind Blown gesture, a new helmet and decals and six new building decorations. However, that’s just the tip of the iceberg for season one rewards. The gaming developers revealed that more than 50 items are expected to release over the first season of live events and will range from new emotes, base parts, customization, exocraft and so much more.