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Doesn’t it look like everyone is being pulled in by the gravity of eSports events? The lists of enthusiasts range from all the lucrative industries to the burgeoning markets of investors. Games like Overwatch and Street Fighter V are breaking through the average audiences and creating a whole new kind of momentum out there.
The latest addition to the enthusiasts of Street Fighter V is the US army. An official website of the Army Entertainment Division is going to be hosting an eSports tournament. This tournament will feature players from all over the world and will have people on active duty as participants as well.
This army sponsored eSports tournament will also be available for streamers on the Army’s Twitch.tv channel. Fort Gordon will be held on August 11th while the Lewis McChord Joint Base will be available for stream on August 18th. The last fixture of the tournament will be on August 25th, which will be hosted by Fort Wainwright.
This tournament will also have some FGC commentators who will lead narrate you through the wild kicks and punches throughout the tournament. A first-class Sgt. Christopher Jones of the military police will also be heard from these microphones. He is known to be an avid gamer alongside being the L.A. Hammond Station Commander for the U.S Army Command Recruiting.
As if watching army veterans play street fighter wasn’t enough, there will also be some giveaways at this tournament. The online giveaways will be taking place at PAX which include $500 gift cards, Twitch sponsored eSports gaming gear, some Army Entertainment Jerseys and last but not the least, a two-night stay at the MGM resort at Mandalay Bay.
Esports is making its way largely to the mainstream event platform and it literally has no barriers to entry. Anyone who has an inkling of an interest in gaming can attend or watch these tournaments. Gamers who think they are better than amateurs can actually win these tournaments, and there is still more. You must have heard about the possibility of eSports making it into the world of competitive sports in the Olympics.
The last frontier that eSports need to make its way into seems to be mainstream television. This tournament sponsored by the army actually tried for this too but it’s not going to happen. That’s not the end of it though; we have EVO fighting for the cause. This brand has been in the works of striking a deal with Disney to have Top 8 Street, Fighter V Finals, featured on cable television.
What you and I need to do now, is to book the date for the Army Entertainment Street Fighter V Tournament. It’s going to be a hell of a sight!