Nordamerika + Europa
Play Super Smash Bros. Ultimate(SSBU) and play for cash in our challenges and challenges here on Checkmate Gaming. Simpl deposit cash to your CMG account and post a match, you be able to play Super Smash Bros. Ultimate competitively for real cash prizes. Our competitive rulesets and professionally trained administrators will handle all our your questions and issues with your match to ensure it is played fairly and get that real cash prize awarded to the rightful winner as soon as possible.
Our challenge system is quite simple once cash is on your CMG account you'll be able to either post and create a match to our match finder or even challenge the team of a friend directly! you can challenge anywhere from $1-$100 on your match to ensure there is something on the line when putting your skill to the test here on CMG. Challenges and Challenges allow gamers to take their competitive and professional gaming careers into their own hands offering them the ability to make money playing video games from home and in the case, they will be able to play Super Smash Bros. ultimate from home and make real cash money as long as their skill is up to the challenge!